Creative Product Staging


Google has expanded its desire for original content to include original photography, and is  looking less favorably on stock photography.  It is part of how Google decides which websites have more authority.  As the internet has morphed it’s a natural progression for each website to have its own original content for a unique online presence.

As you travel the internet you’ll begin to recognize stock photography as you see the same photo on multiple websites.  Stock photography used to be a cost effective solution for website owners. Recent years have seen substantial increases in the cost of stock photography.  If you choose 10 photos at $50 each for your website – you can afford to have original photos shot.

product staging photographer

These two shots are staged.  Using promotional items strengthens the branding, and also helps deter your website photos being stolen.

Another huge plus for having your own photos is Google’s image search. Your images will  work as an advertisement for your services and products.  Bring an original touch to your website. View more staged photography.

creative staging photography

Catalog-Product Photography

Merchants selling on are asked to submit their catalog of product images on an all white background.  There are a couple of ways to shoot your products to look their best.

These samples are not cutouts nor photo edited-these are as shot.  Here is an example without any shadows:

Product Photo without shadows

Product Photo without shadows

Product Photography with shadow

Product Photography with shadow

Visit our Catalog Photography and Product Photography pages.